Slime kara no Ongaeshi | The Slime's Gratitude (Bessatsu Comic Unreal Tasha Henshin Shite Narisumashi Yuuwaku Hen Vol. 2)
(C93) Kuromorimine Ryoujoku -Zenjitsu Shou- | The Rape of Kuromorimine -The First Day- (Girls und Panzer) =7BA=
(C96) Uzaki-chan Oyako wa Sukebe Shitai! | I Want to Lewd the Mother and Daughter Uzaki-chan! (Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!)
(C97) QP ga Nakereba Semen o Daseba Yoi no desu | If You Don't Have Any QP, Just Shoot Out Your Cum! (Fate/Grand Order) =TLL + mrwayne=