Kyoukai no Yami (Bessatsu Comic Unreal Inmon no Maryoku de Bishoujo-tachi ga Akuochi Kairaku Ochi! Vol. 3)
(C93) Reiju o Motte Hoshi 4 Servant to Ecchi Shitai | I want to use my Command Seals to have sex with 4-star Servants! (Fate/Grand Order)
(C94) Kyousei Zecchou Saseraretete mo Maryoku wa Nekosogi Shiboritorimasu (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya)
Dress Succubus Fine no Oyoufuku Aka-chan Choukyou Nisshi | Feene the Dress Succubus and Her Suit-Baby Training Diary
Tenkou Seiki Vermillion Sai Henshin | Heaven's Glittering Saint Princess Vermilion - Sponsored Transformation (2D Dream Magazine 2018-12 Vol. 103)