Astolfo-kun to Shinsatsu-kun to Lanling Wang-kun ga Gudao o Ijimeru Hon | A book about Astolfo, Shinsatsu-kun and Lan Ling Wang-kun bullying Gudao. (Fate/Grand Order)
Ore ga Saimin Appli de Mesu ni Naru Wake Nai daro! | I Can't Become a Woman Because of a Hypnosis App!
(ROOT4to5) Miyamachou Nichoume no Koushuu Benjo ni Goyoujin!? | Beware of Miyama 2nd Street's Public Toilet!? (Fate/stay night)
Kougaku Beit Shirouto AV Daisakusen!! | The Great High-paying Part-time Amateur Porn Strategy!! (Fate/stay night)
(C94) Hikigaya Hachiman o Saiminjutsu de Kanojo ni Shite Yaritai Houdai Suru Hon. (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru.)