(C89) Shota Gui Maid no Gosan to Daishou | Shota Eating Maid's Miscalculation and Compensation (Kidou Senshi Gundam Tekketsu no Orphans) =Sakurane + CW=
(C95) Hitozuma Tawawan Oppai Momi Kouza ~Oppai tte Ii yo ne~ | A Course on Fondling the Breasts of Well-endowed Married Women ~Breasts Are Amazing~
Uchiage Hanabi, Ane to Miruka? Imouto to Miruka? | Fireworks, Should we see it with the elder sister or the younger sister? (COMIC LO 2020-12)
Anime Yome Ichijiteishi! Monitor-nai no Yome ni Eroi Koto o Shimakuru Hanashi (Gundam Build Fighters Try)
(C92) Hisashiburi ni Atta Itoko ga Hobo Zeta datta | My Cousin That I Haven't Seen in a While Was Pretty Much Like Zeta (Granblue Fantasy)
(vol 2) Totsuon! ~Totsuzen Onnanonko Ni Natta No De, Ore No Oppai Monde Mimasen Ka? | Totsuon! Since I've Abruptly Turned Into a Girl, Won't You Fondle My Boobs?