Tapioca Shuukaku wa Kasshoku Shochouzen Shoujo no Chitsunai de | Tapioca is harvested in the vagina of a little brown girl before her first period
Uchiage Hanabi, Ane to Miruka? Imouto to Miruka? | Fireworks, Should we see it with the elder sister or the younger sister? (COMIC LO 2020-12)
Gifu to Sweet Home | Sweet Home with Father-In-Law (Web Haishin Gekkan Tonari no Kininaru Oku-san Vol. 064)
Kemonokko Tsuushin ~Uma Musume Felice~ | Animal Girl Hotline ~ Horse Girl Felice ~ (COMIC Unreal 2018-02 Vol. 71)
Rifujin Yuugi ~Net Namahousou de, Hime wo Customize Shite Kansatsu Shiyou~ THE COMIC Zenpen (COMIC Unreal 2023-08 Vol. 104)